Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Day’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 9-12
Sometimes I feel like I should have more urgency in spreading the Good News. I mean those who run in a race run with urgency because they know the time is short and others are doing the same. They also run because they want the prize or medal at the end. For us as Christians, the medal isn’t salvation; that’s a gift (see Romans 4:1-8). For us, the prize is the crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8, Matthew 5:10-12) awarded for endurance. For what? Endurance—sticking it out to the end—not speed.
Today my hubby is running in a half marathon—what many refer to as a long-distance race not a speed run. As I gave him a few last words of encouragement he commented, “I’m doing this just for fun.”
I replied, “I know, but I still want you to do your best.” And you know, I think that’s really what God wants from us—for us to do our best. My husband trained hard, completing speed drills as well as long distance runs week after week in preparation for this day. He kept at it so that at the end he would obtain nothing more than a finisher’s medal—a medal that says, “I did it. I kept on keeping on.” That’s what the crown of righteousness will be like—a finisher’s medal. A medal that says we kept on living for Jesus and showing others His love even in the every day. Yes, we should have some urgency in sharing the Good News, but we also need to keep in mind that sharing the truth in love involves time and persistence and patience so that in the end it will be credited to us as righteousness.
- What are some ways you show others Jesus’ love in the every day?
- Are you taking time to train every day too? If so, how?
Prayer Guide:
- Ask for endurance and urgency in the race of life.
- Pray for you and your spouse’s safety, purity, and power to resist sexual and/or emotional temptation.
- Request help regarding your children’s safety, wisdom and purity.
- Pray for the safety and wisdom for the military and those you know in the military.
- Submit your day’s activities to Him.
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