And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:26-27
Day’s Reading: Acts 17-18:18
How amazing is our creator that He would make us with an innate desire to worship Him. How amazing…and how deceptive. Oh yes, how we deceive ourselves into thinking it is something else. A desire for more assurance or “likes” from friends. A desire for the latest tech gadget or a bigger home. A desire for our husbands to love us a certain way. We fill our lives with stuff and our hearts with other hopeful pleasures, not realizing that our true desire is to love and know Jesus more. How much time, energy, and money we’d save if we truly let that realization sink in—that it’s really God we want, not the stuff. Maybe the next time we are desiring something of this world we should first spend some time with Jesus and make sure that it’s not spending time with Him we really desire instead.
- How have you seen these verses played out in your own life?
- What is one thing you could do today to worship Jesus?
Prayer Guide:
- Share words of adoration and praise to the Creator.
- Express a desire for heavenly pleasures over earthly.
- Ask for boldness and sensitivity to reach the lost and needy around you.
- Dedicate your church’s ministries to Him.
- Pray for sensitivity to serve where needed in your community and/or church.
- Submit your day’s activities to Him.
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