Plan Your Homeschool

Our Homeschool Curriculum for 2nd and 4th Grade

Our Homeschool Curriculum for 2nd and 4th Grade

School.  It’s finally here.  We started our homeschool curriculum this week with bang and are excited about what is in store.  This year we decided to become a little more techie in our homeschool with the addition of two Chromebooks.  Already we see an amazing difference.  Last year, we shared one computer between the four…

How to Easily Add Nature Walks to Biology

How to Easily Add Nature Walks to Biology

Nature walks–they are part of a Charlotte Mason homeschool and hands-on science at its finest.  They also provide an opportunity to see God’s creation close-up.  Yet, nature walks are something that we have had a hard time making intentional.  This is why I am so excited about Cindy West’s latest release, 40 Nature Walks: Outdoor…