Confession: Self-marketing is something that I am probably the weakest at even though I know that as a blogger I am my own marketing department.
In other areas of my life, my philosophy has always been to do the best I could and let others do my marketing for me based on what they see in me and their support of what I stand for. However, in the blogging world that is not always possible. Yes, every so often we need to toot our horn so others will know we are here. And how can we do that in a humble yet confident way? By incorporating some of the following marketing tactics.
60 Powerful Marketing Tactics That Increase Blog Traffic
- Use long-tail keywords to rank at the top of search engines for your keyboard meaning–be specific. Use a set of keywords such as “chicken main dish recipes” instead of just “recipes.”
- Display social media buttons and an e-mail subscription form prominently on your blog.
- Identify authoritative blogs in your niche and guest post on them.
- Have other well-known bloggers guest post on your blog.
- Identify several larger blogs in your niche and comment on them regularly.
- Submit a blog URL to prominent blog directories .
- Share posts on linkup parties in your niche.
- Create pin-able attractive images.
- Share your posts on Pinterest.
- Create click to tweet phrases in your posts.
- Share your posts on Twitter.
- Share your posts on Facebook.
- Share your posts on Google Plus.
- Share your posts on LinkedIn.
- Share your post on StumbleUpon.
- Create videos and share on YouTube.
- Share a picture on Instagram with your site’s watermark (I use the iWatermark app for this.)
- Share a short video about your blog on Instagram.
- Provide helpful information in niche forums with possible links to relevant articles on your blog.
- Join and become involved in several niche related Facebook groups.
- Join and become involved in several niche related G+ communities.
- Interview other bloggers in your niche on your blog.
- Add a subscriber badge once your blog has reached a 1,000+ subscribers.
- Share business cards with friends.
- Attend a blogging conference.
- Speak at a conference.
- Share business cards at conferences.
- Create a killer headline that demands to be clicked.
- Write an eBook and share it on Amazon.
- Write an eBook and give it away for FREE.
- Give something else away for free.
- Share your freebies with freebie sites such as Free Homeschool Deals.
- Host a giveaway.
- Host a linkup, blog hop, or other kind of meme.
- Become a co-author on another site.
- Write an article on Squidoo.
- Create slide shows on SlideShare.
- Use a Related Posts Plugin such as nRelate Related Content Plugin.
- Use WordPress for your blogging platform. As a former convert from Blogger, I have to agree this one totally makes a difference when it comes to search engine traffic.
- Send an email to your friends and family with an invite to subscribe.
- Include a link to your blog in your Christmas newsletter.
- Add a blog signature to your emails.
- Create a blog button for your readers to share.
- Exchange blog button ads with other bloggers.
- Create a bumper sticker, shirt or other paraphernalia advertising your blog.
- Join a blogging network or two.
- Add your blog to Technorati.
- Host a webinar.
- Host a G+ hangout.
- Host a Twitter party.
- Host a Facebook party.
- Teach an online course.
- Teach a niche course a local vocational school.
- Put up advertising posters in your local coffee shops, restaurants, or other public boards.
- Respond to comments made by readers.
- Create a podcast and share on iTunes.
- Create a monthly newsletter and provide a subscription option on your blog.
- Review a book or product on Amazon being sure to include your blog information in your bio.
- Use hashtags in your social media posts.
- Submit an article to a niche and/or local magazine.
What are your tips for increasing blog traffic?
I make no claims to be an expert on marketing tactics, knowing full well the tips I’ve shared above just scratch the surface of all that’s involved. Thus, please share away and together we can learn from each other so as to grow in the areas in which God is using us for His glory.
Take it to the next level with these resources:
- How to Write an Article for Squidoo
- The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing on Jeff Bullas
- 52 Headline Hacks by Jon Morrow
- My Blogging Brilliance Pinterest board.