What do you believe about yourself? Do you believe you are beautiful? Do you believe you are smart? Do you believe you are a good mom? A good housekeeper? A good organizer?
What do you believe about God? Do you really believe He is the creator of all things? Do you believe He is the most important one in all the earth? Do you believe He sent His son as the Savior for all humankind?
This week at church the sermon was on Ruth and how her actions showed what she truly believed about Naomi’s God. I mean think about it. She chose to not only leave her family, she left her friends, her culture, her former belief structure…everything to follow Naomi and her God and move into what her culture viewed as enemy territory. Her actions proved her love for Naomi and Yahweh.
I must admit, I struggle with this often. I mean, how often do I show others what I say I believe? As the saying goes, sometimes it is easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. I mean, I read my Bible most days, memorize scripture on a regular basis, and pray often, but do I reach out to my neighbor who is not a Christian without criticizing their sinful behaviors? Or, am I willing to share Christ with others even at the expense of criticism or loss of a friendship? Sometimes I’m so worried about others and the opinions of others that I loose sight of what is really the important.
So let me ask again: what actions define you and what you believe? Do others see Jesus in you or something else? It’s a convicting question, but one I felt must be shared. I hope you will become challenged and convicted this week as I was when presented with Ruth’s story once again. And together, may we act in a way that others see what we believe and are changed.