Confession: I don’t know about you but in the heat of the moment, sometimes my tongue just slips and I say things I regret. My personal hurts turn into hurtful words that hurt others dear to me and in effect tears us apart not together.
This month is all about creating a Memorable Marriage and one of the best ways to do that is to speak only that which lifts up. I’ve been reading about several real life examples in The Respect Dare of women who have done just that in their marriage–they have chosen to refrain from speaking ill to their husbands and the results have been amazing.
Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear. (Ephesians 4:29)
Not sure you can do it or where to start? Well here are 10 sure-fire things we should never say to our husbands. Steer clear of these and you are well on your way to having a heart more like His.
10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Husband
- “What were you thinking?!”
- “When are you ever going to…?”
- “You never…”
- “You’re just like your father.”
- “I told you so.”
- “Can’t you do anything right?”
- “Here, let me do it.”
- “We need to talk.”
- “I wish you would (or wouldn’t)…”
- “Not tonight, honey.”*
Have any phrases you think should be added to this list?
If so, what? Or, have you changed the way you approached speaking to your husband and have a great story to tell? If so, I’d love to hear it!
*Note: There ARE times when you should say this or NEED to say this, but the point is to not use words such as this as a weapon or to intentionally create dissention.