spiritual growth

Memorize Your Way Through the Bible in 132 Days

Memorize Your Way Through the Bible in 132 Days

Need help adding God’s word to your heart?  Not sure how to a memorize Bible verse so it sticks?  Want to memorize scripture with your children this school year? Beginning this fall, the girls and I will be reading through the Bible with the help of the What’s in the Bible DVDs.  Alongside our daily…

Be the Best You Can Be…Realistically

Be the Best You Can Be…Realistically

I never will forget the day I had to call Poison Control on behalf of my oldest daughter.  I was cleaning out a cabinet when Peanut found a Benedryl bottle and opened it.  Talk about mommy guilt.  How that 14-month old baby opened that medicine bottle I’ll never know, but it must have been possible because it happened. The…