
Interview with Grammar Galaxy Author Dr. Melanie Wilson

Interview with Grammar Galaxy Author Dr. Melanie Wilson

Are you looking for a grammar curriculum that isn’t boring?  Would you like an inclusive language arts program that is literature-based? Just ready for something new?  That’s where my girls were a couple of months ago when I contacted Dr. Melanie Wilson, the author of Grammar Galaxy. At the time, the girls were really struggling…

Ultimate Guide to 5-Star Books for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students by Reading Level

Ultimate Guide to 5-Star Books for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students by Reading Level

Do you know what books are the best choices for your children?  Do you know where to find the best books or which books your kids might like most based on their reading level and interest?  This Spring I am once again preparing my reading lists for the girls and seeing that Peanut has already exhausted…

9 Sensational Wordless Books That Can Benefit Your Homeschool

9 Sensational Wordless Books That Can Benefit Your Homeschool

Recently, my two daughters and I have been enjoying several wordless picture books put out by Candlewick Press.  They have loved them, and I never realized just how many uses there are for wordless picture books. Benefits of Wordless Picture Books Wordless books build reading comprehension skills even before a child can actually read words. Wordless books…

Ultimate Guide to 5-Star Books for 1st and 2nd Grade Students by Reading Level

Ultimate Guide to 5-Star Books for 1st and 2nd Grade Students by Reading Level

Last year I shared with you an Ultimate Guide to 5 Star Books for Kindergartners by Reading Level as I prepared for Peanut’s Kindergarten/First Grade year.  This year, as I now prepare for her First/Second grade year (I’m always preparing for the next year while teaching the current so I can enjoy my summer) I am…

How We Use Phonics Pathways to Teach Reading and Spelling

How We Use Phonics Pathways to Teach Reading and Spelling

A Little Background Last year we began using Phonics Pathways by Dolores G. Hiskes to teach Peanut how to read since Cathy Duffy’s review spoke so highly of the program, especially for someone wanting a complete phonics program on a budget.  However, it quickly became apparent that Phonics Pathways was NOT a good fit for her at the…