lesson plans

Memorize Your Way Through the Bible in 132 Days

Memorize Your Way Through the Bible in 132 Days

Need help adding God’s word to your heart?  Not sure how to a memorize Bible verse so it sticks?  Want to memorize scripture with your children this school year? Beginning this fall, the girls and I will be reading through the Bible with the help of the What’s in the Bible DVDs.  Alongside our daily…

Our Week in Review: MFW K Unit 2 & BFIAR Week 2

Our Week in Review: MFW K Unit 2 & BFIAR Week 2

Peanut This week Peanut completed Unit 2 of My Father’s World Kindergarten. Our favorite activities this week–the Creation Mobile…well that and taking a trip to our neighborhood school playground before their school year started back.  What can I say…school playgrounds are fun!  😉 This Week’s Morning Board Here is what our morning board looked like…