curriculum review

Clear Water Press’s Cover Story from a Teen’s Perspective

Clear Water Press’s Cover Story from a Teen’s Perspective

Are you considering Clear Water Press’s Cover Story curriculum for your preteen?  Would you like to know what another mom and another teen thought about the program?  According to this article, only about 34% of students enjoy writing and that is close to half of how many students used to enjoy it.  Why?  For many having to write about…

5 Things to Consider BEFORE Beginning Apologia’s What We Believe Curriculum

5 Things to Consider BEFORE Beginning Apologia’s What We Believe Curriculum

I recently had a friend ask me about Apologia’s What We Believe series that I use with my daughters.  She was considering it for her family with kids ranging from 4 to 15. While I tried to sum up my thoughts in a few words as we talked, today’s episode is actually a more complete…