Encompass Preschool Week 14
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Month’s Theme
Camping and the Outdoors
Week’s Topic
Trees and Forests
Bible Verse
Matthew 6:24
Serving God
I Had a Little Nut Tree
P.E. Focus
N is for Nuts
Primary Colors (yellow, blue, red) and Color Mixing (Yellow + Blue = Green)
This week we cranked out some more preschool printables. Let’s just say I went nuts. Ha! All that to say, this set is great for a fall theme or for the letter “N”. There’s patterning, counting, letter recognition, and more. Feel free to click the button below to download the full set.
Before we get on to the pics for this week, I have to just say I LOVED the picture books we read this week. I’ve liked many in the past too, but these are some of my favorites yet. Great illustrations. Peanut wanted to read them over and over. Definitely no tiddle-taddle. In fact, I may add these to our Christmas wish list. Loved them. What were they (in case you don’t generally check our weekly lesson plans)?
A Few Pics from Our Week
This week we began recognizing our last name….
Practiced our N’s and numbers…
And learned a lot about trees….
The highlight of the week: It was pretty exciting that during the week we were actually talking about trees we received our tree from a local adopt-a-tree reforestation program. We now have a tree in our front yard that we got for free!
And what was Teacup doing during all this? Well having fun of course. She really likes to ring the school bell (a gift I received when I left the public school world that we ring everyday to begin school). In addition she likes doing what Peanut does whether that is playing with shaving cream or painting with baking soda. It’s all fun.
Finally, Peanut is still trying to perfect her picture taking skills. Look! She almost got my face this week!
Encompass Preschool Lesson Plans and Printables Used This Week:
For more information about our home school and other lesson plans, you may also like…
Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed. And speak about them when you get up. Deuteronomy 11:19