Over the last several weeks as I’ve shared about our morning board and how we do our morning board time, the question has come up: what other options could be used for a morning board if the hanging collage display from Michael’s is unavailable? Thus, knowing that the hanging collage display is only a seasonal item, here are 5 other options you many want to consider for your morning board display. Hopefully one of these will best fit your family.
1. A Kikkerland Photo Strip on Amazon
2. A Large Magnetic White Board and Magnets
3. A Bulletin Board and Push Pins
4. Use Book Rings and Command Hooks
5. Create a Morning Card Book Instead
Have another idea on how to display your morning board cards? I’d love to hear it! Please leave a comment so we can all share in your idea!
For more information about our morning board check out:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15