This week Peanut completed the Foundation Unit of My Father’s World Kindergarten. It was a great beginning of the new school year as it kind of weaned us back into the swing of things. It provided a great review; nothing new but a great foundation for the future.
Our Foundation Unit Morning Board
This week our morning board was pretty bear as it was a review week. Thus we only had a couple of cards in our morning board this week.
Want to print these morning board cards for yourself? You can download them free here. Or, learn more about our morning board and how we store our morning board cards by checking out our morning board organization ideas.
Our Foundation Unit Workboxes
For the Foundation Unit of MFW K, here is how we set up our workboxes each day. We found this very easy to use and set up for the next day in that we only had to update boxes 2, 5, and 6 each evening. For box 8 during the Foundation Weeks I let Peanut fill the box every evening with a book or two she really wanted me to read to her the next day. That said, it quickly became the highlight of her day.
Box 1 | Bible Reading |
Box 2 | Creation Number Coloring Page |
Box 3 | Singapore Math Essentials Kindergarten |
Box 4 | Phonics Pathways |
Box 5 | Letter Review |
Box 6 | Creation Book Activity |
Box 7 | Music Time |
Box 8 | Story Time |
Want to know more about our workboxes? Check out this post to learn how we set up our workboxes and download some free workbox labels here!
Our Foundation Unit Music Selections
Being the music teacher that I am, I love finding quality music selections that go along with each week’s unit. Here were our song selections for this week.
This week Teacup just had fun playing “school.” Her two workboxes were filled with fun activities such as wood puzzles to do with mom or a book to read or a stuffed animal to discover. Next week we will hit it a little more hard core I’m sure. 😉