Sometimes in our every day we forget to be intentional in loving those around us. We just expect that they know or that our every day actions show it. That said, let’s make today different. Let’s make it intentional. Today love your kids on purpose. I dare you. Need a few ideas to get you started? Here are 5 ways you could show your kids you love them in just a few minutes.
5 Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them Today
- Play a game THEY want to play. Often times, especially for those of us that homeschool, we are always choosing what activities WE want to do with our kids. What about switching the tables every-so-often and let THEM choose instead?
- Make their favorite meal or snack and tell them WHY you made it–because you love them!
- Pray for them in front of them. Bless them. People used to do this in Bible times often. Someones we forget how life-changing and motivational a simple blessing from a parent can be.
- Give them a hug for no reason. Should there ALWAYS be a reason?
- Tell them you love them. Again, for no reason. Make it random. Those are often the most meaningful times for those words to be spoken.